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On the basis of the entry in the register of civil status statements, a repeated certificate or statement or a computer copy of the register shall be issued.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    On the basis of the entry in the register of civil status statements, a certificate or a statement or a computer copy of the register shall be issued. Required document: application.
    The service may be requested in person, by post or by electronic means.

  2. A service charge
    Fee to be charged for receiving the service. The amount of the national fee for the certificate - EUR 7.00 is determined in the BOM Regulation No 906 “Provisions on the State fee for the registration of civil status records” (see “Other information” - “Legislative acts”).
    Amount of the local government fee for an archive statement - EUR 5.00 is determined by the binding provisions of the Dobeles municipality on the fees of the municipality of Dobeles (see section “Other information” - “Legislative acts”).
    Payment service with an archive service: EUR 7.00 is determined by Decision No 3/1 of the Dobelle municipality council of 12 January 2022 on the fees of the authorities of the municipality of Dobelle.

  3. Receipt of services
    A birth certificate shall be issued repeatedly to an adult person for the birth of whom the register has been drawn up or to a person authorised by him or her. The birth certificate of a minor shall be re-issued to parents, guardians, adopters or the administration of the institution in which the minor is present in the upbringing. A marriage certificate shall be issued repeatedly to persons for whom the marriage has been entered, but if the marriage has been divorced, a statement shall be issued from the register. The death certificate shall be issued again to relatives of the deceased.
    Another person has the right to request and receive a statement regarding the registration of a civil status act if he or she substantiates his or her legal interest.

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